Friday, April 15, 2011

{dear _____. love lauren}

Dear finals: Prepare to be rocked.

Dear Spoon Me: Thank you for being closed forever {not}.

Dear police: Thank you for thinking Alise and I were breaking into a car. We loved it.

Dear RMYL 320: So glad to be done with you.

Dear WAlign Leftaldo: we found you first.

Dear Andrew Bird: Marry me.

Dear bookstore: Thank you for giving me lots of moneys that feel free.

Dear Cafe Rio: Could you start a free + delivery program?

Dear summer: can't wait to spend all of my time with you.

Dear white legs: Please just work with me this summer. For once.

Dear missionary friends: Keep writing me. It makes my heart beat fast.

Dear boys: cardigans are super attractive.

Dear roommates: sorry I have had this song on repeat all day long.

Dear brain: Get back to studying.

1 comment:

  1. you didn't end with love Lauren..... it kinda ruined the whole theme for me.
