I'm making some progress on my summer goals (I'm actually doing a good job this year. Usually I am bad at goals and then hurry and erase them and pretend they never happened) and I'm so excited about it!
1. Mitchell and I hiked Ensigns Peak on Monday night despite the horrible weather. As we were driving down the freeway we saw the huge ominous storm cloud but we were brave and adventurous and hiked that bad boy. We only were at the top for about 2 and a half minutes because I got so paranoid that we would be struck by lightning. After we finished the hike we went to Village Inn and had some midnight biscuits and gravy (Mitchell) and cheese fries (me). We totally broke even in calories so I feel good about that.
2. I also am loving my temple goal. I originally made the goal to do 700 baptisms for the dead this summer (for some reason I found it unnecessary to figure out if it was even possible... I did the math a few days ago and realized that i would seriously have to live at the temple to do 700 baptisms in one summer (Especially since the temple only lets you do five at a time!)) But I changed it to 200. Today I hit 55. I love the temple and the amazing spirit that's there and I even more love my sister, who is such a good example of using your time wisely so you can go to the temple a lot. (You can see in this picture that she is absolutely beautiful all of the time and I am like a ghost without makeup.)
3. Yesterday I had my orientation to volunteer at the Children's Center. The Children's Center is a therapeutic preschool that houses kids with a huge spectrum of problems (autism, children who witnessed domestic violence, children who were sexually abused, ADD, etc.) and teaches them through play therapy the skills they will need to be happy and successful when they grow up. I'm volunteering three hours a week with the 2-3 year olds. My class mostly consists of the trauma victims and I'm excited just to love them and be a positive and constant person in their lives. I'm also so excited to implement the things I'm learning in my major! It's amazing how influential play is on a person and their development.
I'm loving this summer so far. It stinks cause I have a lot of alone time cause most of my friends are on missions/Provo, but I actually am grateful for that alone time. I have lots of time for self reflection and self improvement. And it makes trips to Provo/letters to missionaries especially special. :)
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